Kingsbane (Empirium, #2) (2024)

Whitney Atkinson

1,008 reviews12.9k followers

April 11, 2020

this book somehow deserves the electric chair and 5 stars at the same time

    favs-of-2020 lgbtqiap read-in-2020


2,581 reviews44.4k followers

August 4, 2020

im starting a petition to make it mandatory to release an entire series all at once. its cruel and unusual punishment to make a reader wait for the next installment, especially when its the final book to such an epic and addicting story!

i seriously cant get enough of this series. ‘furyborn’ was dark and moody and ‘kingsbane’ followed with its own secrets and seduction. this is everything the first book was and more. the characters are even more compelling, the world-building is even more intricate, the writing is even more immersive, and the story is even more impressive. this sequel does such an effective job at giving the reader what they want, but leaving them desperate for more.

i would sell my soul to all of the angels in the deep if it meant getting my hands on an ARC copy of the final book. october cant come quick enough.

4.5 stars

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin

3,597 reviews10.9k followers

June 26, 2019

Kingsbane (Empirium, #2) (4)

Just don’t even talk to me about this book right now!

Kingsbane (Empirium, #2) (5)

Mel 🖤🐶🐺🐾

    fantasy-all hardback-own own


455 reviews16.5k followers

May 11, 2020

4.5 stars

I did not expect a cliffhanger ending, so be warned!

This sequel took on a much darker tone than book 1, and the women are being challenging continuously. Although the story itself tells you what’s supposed to happen in the future, it still manages to allow you to hold onto hope that maybe it won’t get that bad, even as things are going to sh*t around the characters. The villain origins this story has is unlike any other. I also adore that the main characters are both angry women, and unlikable at times.

Some other things that didn’t really affect my rating but were interesting to see: actual periods as part of the plot and female sexuality. The women in this story have menstrual cycles and it affects their lives! Also, this was present in book one but the sex is ramped up. The sex scenes read like an adult romance. I was honestly stunned at how graphic they were for a YA story. Additionally, there’s also a hookup in here and then the characters don’t catch feelings?? Groundbreaking.

What keeps this from being a full 5 stars for me is my lack of investment in the romances. I don’t hate them - they just don’t grip me the way they would for a 5 star read. I will elaborate on this more in my video review, as I’m still trying to form my thoughts around why these don’t quite stick the landing for me.

Overall, one of my favorite series and I cannot wait for the finale.


1,873 reviews318 followers

March 29, 2019

Again, I am so sad to be giving another book in this series only 3 stars, but I just had so many issues with it and it was extremely hard for me to get through. I kept losing interest and didn't want to finish. Which is sad because I love the core idea of this trilogy. There's just so much going on that it really disrupts the flow of the book. Also, there will probably be spoilers of the first book.

In Furyborn we were introduced to Rielle and Eliana- two "Queens" who were somehow connected to each other but separated by time. We come to learn that Eliana is Rielle's daughter who was sent away to save her life. Both women hold immeasurable power and are held to a fate neither want - one will save the world and one will burn it basically.

So let's start with what I liked:
-The plot. The plot is still amazing. And the prologue of Furyborn still sticks with me and I just want to know how Rielle gets to that point. We definitely see her start to change here and it makes me excited to see how everything will play out.
-The setting. Legrand does an amazing job of setting up these worlds. Both are clearly defined and that makes it easy to jump into them with the chapter switches.
-The duality of the Queens. The fact that for most of the books you are still asking who is the Blood Queen and who is the Sun Queen speaks volumes for how closely aligned the two are. Yes, it can be pretty obvious who is who but I like how Legrand plays on them both with each girl. Leading me to believe, the story is not so black and white as it could appear.
-The angels.I always love seeing how people play on angel lore. And it's no different here.
-Watching power corrupt. I love watching how heroes sink under the promise of power

Ok, so what didn't I like?
-The pacing. The million POVs. The length. All three are listed together because they all kind of go together. Parts of this book were just boring. We don't need to hear each characters plan or what they're doing in the background. Surprises are good. I would think as an author, you want your readers to gasp and go WTF how did that happen?? Less is definitely more in certain situations, especially in betrayals. And also, 100 pages probably could have been cut from this and it would have helped the pacing immensely.
-The girls. This shocked me. I mean, I wasn't a huge fan of Eliana in the first one so I didn't really expect to like her here. And while I can see how she grew, I still just didn't like her. She's too impulsive and refuses to listen to anyone about anything. This actually makes her weak not strong. Accept the help and learn from people around you! But the not liking Rielle made me sad. I really liked her in the first book and it was her journey that I looked the most forward to but all of that just fell apart here. She was completely different from the person she was in the first book and I'm not talking natural growth, just a whole new character for a new book. And she was just plain stupid. Every choice she made she knew was wrong and would hurt the people she claimed to love and was just like eh, whatever. And while I get her intrigue of Corien, I really don't understand the pull he has over her. Like she just turns to mush when he's around. Ugh
-Simon. The lack of explanation here was ridiculous but I'm assuming she's saving that convo for the last book.

I know people love this series and this is just my view. Even though I was disappointed in it, I'm still excited to see how it all ends. I have my theories and now I wait.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for granting my wish and providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

    3-star-reads arc books-i-own

Grace A.

440 reviews39 followers

September 20, 2022

It is starting to dawn on Eliana that she cannot escape her destiny; however, she is still a firm believer in survival, especially with her friends by her side. So, she embarked on a journey to enemy territory to save her friend Navi.
In an attempt to embrace her destiny, she worked hard at bridging the time divide between her and her mother, Rielle, but, Corien’s deception and manipulation were so complete with Rielle that when that redemptive opportunity came, she couldn’t tell good from evil.
I didn’t wish for a suspenseful ending, but I am curious to see how it will all come together in the next book.


907 reviews12 followers

January 31, 2019

I literally threw this book across the room when I ended it and then I proceeded to text my friend along the lines of "WHAT DID I JUST READ?! DID THAT REALLY HAPPEN?!?! HOW CAN I WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT BOOK?!?!"
I won't say anything else about this book cause spoiling things for others is the absolute worse...but you need to get this book AS SOON AS IT HITS THE SHELVES....I want everyone to be in as much misery as I am.
Sidenote: I am pretty sick and tired of Rielle by the end of this book...I don't know why, she just really pissed me off :)
Thanks to Sourcebooks for the ARC!


738 reviews1,412 followers

October 12, 2020

“We are more than what’s been done to us. We are more then our anger.”

Never in my life have I been so thoroughly betrayed by an author. This review is brought to you halfway from the grave because that’s how much this book hurt and there’s a good chance once Lightbringer comes out I will fully be six feet under after I finish it. If you haven’t read Claire Legrand’s Empirium Trilogy…what are you waiting for? But also, prepare yourself because this is truly one hell of ride.

What I Liked

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Multiple POV’s.

I honestly can’t remember if Furyborn included more than just the dual timeline with POV’s from Eliana and Rielle, but every now and then some of the characters in Kingsbane would get a chapter or two to themselves and it was such a nice change up. I think it was a smart move on the authors part because it added that much more depth to the story.

💖 Sex positive. I absolutely loved how sex and sexuality were handled in this book and I hope that more YA authors will continue to include content like this in their books. Also, that fact that the author includes multiple instances of Rielle and Eliana having their periods in this story was another plus, I’d love to see this normalized in more YA books as well.

😈 Villains you love to hate. I’ll be the first to admit that I love Corien as a villain. I love, love, love to hate that man. Claire Legrand is able to create such compelling characters that villain or not it’s just easy to love and hate everyone at the same time. It’s pure magic.

📈Pacing. Coming in at a little over 600 pages Kingsbane is quite the intimidating read but at no part in this was I bored. The author does a fantastic job of making the action packed parts impossible to put down and the parts where most books would fall into a little bit of a lull it fills readers in on the backstories we’ve been dying to know about since book one. It was a perfect balance of action and unraveling all the little hidden details within the plot.

What I Didn’t Like

💔 My heart got stomped on.

I had an inkling about one of the betrayals in this book but just because I had a feeling didn’t mean it softened the blow any less. Plus, there were still plot twists that I never in a million years would have seen coming. So I don’t know whats worse – having a pit in your stomach knowing you shouldn’t love and trust some of the characters or being so utterly blindsided by a plot twist that a literal knife to your heart would have been less painful.

⏳The wait for the next book. I’d like to think I planned this out nicely that I have to wait only week one for Lightbringer to come out (even less by the time this review goes up) but it is still one week too long after that ending. For those of you who waited over a year for the conclusion my heart goes out to you, I probably would have lost my mind. And yes, I am utterly terrified to see how this trilogy will end. Thoughts and prayers are welcome at this time.

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Nikita Afsar

194 reviews395 followers

April 19, 2021

I am so upset right now


366 reviews301 followers

May 30, 2019

😱😱😱😱😱😱 I can't believe this!!!!
And now we're supposed to wait for a year?!??!?


jo ⋆

101 reviews1 follower

May 20, 2019


Update: read this 2 days ago but i can't stop thinking about it so i'm going to give it 5 stars


238 reviews103 followers

April 19, 2020

Wow! I hate when I’m affected by cliffhanger endings like this. I need the next book NOW!!

Simon? Really Simon? There must be more to it. I refuse to believe he’s betrayed Eliana in this way.

Harkan, oh poor Harkan. I’m furious that the author brought him back from the “dead” (or when we thought he was dead anyway) just to kill kill again. I cried and I’m sad and angry. He deserved better.

I hated Rielle in this book. I felt like she used Audric and I felt like she could’ve tried a little harder to not succumb to Corien.

I also hated Ludivine and honestly I don’t trust her.

Audric. I would kill to find myself a Audric and he deserves the world. I’d pay for him to forget about Rielle and find someone deserving of him to love!

This book was amazing and didn’t disappoint. I love when the second books are better than the first. I’m ready for book 3!

4.5/5 🌟’s



264 reviews221 followers

June 18, 2024

Zrodzona z furii była tylko wstępem do tego o co naprawdę toczy się gra. Ponownie podążamy historią Rielle odkrywając po kolei wydarzenia, na które złożyła się teraźniejsza akcja i zmagania Eliany.

Myślałam, że pierwszy tom dźgnął mnie w serce ale ten wyrwał je gołymi rękoma. Tym razem bardziej niż w wydarzenia młodej zabójczyni, byłam zainwestowana zostałam w perspektywę Rielle oraz jej zmagania związane z ugruntowaniem politycznym Audrica po śmierci króla oraz upadającą bramą. Nie będę jednak kłamać, że moje serce biło dla złoczyńcy tej historii - Coriena. Przysięgam, że każda scena z nim i Rielle doprowadzała mnie do przyspieszonego pulsu i bezdechu. Nie dziwie się, że ten mężczyzna podbił cały świat, skoro będąc słowami na papierze, jestem w stanie do niego wzdychać. Uwielbiałam obserwować rosnącą w Rielle furię, tracenie przez nią kontroli i całkowicie ją rozumiałam mimo że większość jej decyzji jest sprzeczna z ogólnie przyjętymi w społeczeństwie wartościami ale znacie mnie, kocham mściwe i pełne władzy kobiety, a Rielle właśnie taka się w tej części staje, a my możemy być świadkami jej przemiany.

Perspektywa Eliany przy całym gniewie i krwawych scenach Rielle, trochę wypadła mniej wyraziście. Dziewczyna obawia się swojego przeznaczenia i tego gdzie zaprowadzi ją jej moc. Wątpliwości, presja i oddech wrogów na karku sprawiły, że bohaterka lekko straciła swoją charyzmę, a próba ukazania jej rozwoju niestety mi się dłużyła. W końcu jednak pojawia się tajemnicza magia przenoszenia w czasie. Efekt motyla nie może opuścić mojej głowy, zastanawiam się nad teoriami i prologiem, tego czy efekt już miał miejsce, czy dopiero będziemy jego świadkiem w finałowej części. Jestem pod ogromnym wrażeniem mózgu Claire i tego jak buduje swoje wątki.
Nie jestem za to fanką jej serca bo ponownie zapewniła mnie, że nie można tej historii ufać. Żadne wskazówki ani nawet domysły nie przygotowały mnie na to zakończenie, pozostawiając pytania bez odpowiedzi, które skrywa finały tom.

Dana (Dana and the Books)

221 reviews1,191 followers

October 18, 2023

Thanks so much Midas PR for a copy of both Furyborn and Kingsbane!

In a way I'm glad I missed reading Furyborn when it initially came out. It just means I got to read it and Kingsbane back to back. Unfortunately, now it means I have to wait an agonizingly long time for the third book.

Kingsbane (Empirium, #2) (18)

So, what can I say about this wonderful book? Claire Legrand has a beautiful way with words. Every page is gorgeous. Every chapter meaningful. I loved it.

It was impossible to read Kingsbane slowly. The story picks up from book one seamlessly, and keeps the same high quality characters and tight intense story telling.

I've mentioned it before, but I prefer books written in third person rather than first person. Recently a lot of the fantasy novels I've read have been in first person so getting such a wonderful book from my favourite POV was just what I needed.

We not only get the standard Rielle and Eliana chapters from Furyborn, but we also got a handful of chapters from the perspective of the other characters. Most notably Simon and Corien.

The character development? Perfect. We see Rielleslowly becoming more and more unhinged and Eliana accepting her fate as we delve deeper into this story.Since we technically know how Rielle's story ends, this is more about the journey getting there than finding out what happens at the end. But who knows? There's still one more book so anything can happen!

And that Simon guy? Yes.

Kingsbane (Empirium, #2) (19)

    2019-release arc fantasy

Sophie "Beware Of The Reader"

1,430 reviews379 followers

April 10, 2019

First of all I am grateful to Sourcebooks Fire for giving me the opportunity to read this much awaited sequel!

I absolutely adored Furyborn and I could not wait to read Kingsbane!
When Kingsbane landed on my Kindle I think I screamed so loud that I awoke my neighbors.

Sadly I struggled with that story. As it gets many good reviews, I guess it’s a case of “it’s not you, it’s me” . I hope to help you decide if the book still could be your jam and will go with my likes and dislikes

Let’s begin with the positive:

The world building is still excellent. You have fantastic beasts, angels, magic etc. Claire Legrand knows how to write to make you see this fictional world.

The plot is strong with twists you won't see coming. There is action, you move nearly all the time, meet new people, have threats to avoid and quests to fulfill be it get ancient artifacts from the Saints or find a cure or ….

We get to read about the back story of the characters and about what happened to the angels. Believe me, the humans were not flawless here and they did trick the angels!

I never saw that ending coming! As this is a trilogy it ends on a cliffhanger so you’ve been warned.


Here come my dislikes

I really disliked the characters.
Of course in book one we know that Rielle was the bad guy. But I rooted for her and really loved her as kickass girl! I wanted her to have excuses.
Here she changed so much and I could not stand her. In that Claire Legrand did really a fantastic job depicting a villain. Power was so tempting. But I had problems with the grasp Corien had on Rielle. Why was she attracted to him like that? She just seemed kind of selfish in her search for power. I would say she became power drunk and accumulated bad decisions.

On a side note, if I did not like Eliana at all in book one I warmed up to her character in this sequel. She is trying her best but she is also a very conflicted charactersand not easy to like either. She is stubborn and decided to do things her way. That led to mistakes…

As I love above all else character's driven stories it was really difficult to feel concerned with their ordeals.

What bothered me deeply too were the numerous sex scenes. I am a romance reader so I am used to hot scenes but not in YA books. This CAN'T qualify as a YA!
The way these scenes happened and how Rielle wanted it made me feel uneasy. I did not like how she seemed to use Audric and ... well you got it for as much as I loved her before I disliked her here.

I think if this book would have been labelled as adult I would have been prepared and probably not bothered by these scenes.

I like my relationships to be focused and exclusive but that was not the case. I loved Audric and each time Corien happened felt like a deep betrayal. The relationship between Ludvine, Rielle and Audric was also …peculiar and probably not fitting for a YA story again.

Would I recommend this book?

If you have read and loved Furyborn I would say read it and make your own opinion.

I know that I will read other books by Claire Legrand as I loved not only Furyborn but also Sawkill Girls (unique story).
I guess you can't love all books from an author...

Have you read Furyborn? Did you love it? Do you want to read Kingsbane?
Thanks for reading
Kingsbane (Empirium, #2) (21)
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407 reviews738 followers

June 30, 2021

“In my kingdom, in my world,” he murmured, his breath hot against her lips, “you would serve no one.”

I didnt even realise this book was around 600 pages until i finished it. well okay then.

when i tell you that rielle is absolutely unhinged in this book, i mean it. it was very entertaining to see her lose her mind and basically toe the line of insanity. i found this book more exciting than book one, in terms of plot. obviously the plot twists didn’t ‘blow me away’ but that’s more on the fact that im extremely difficult to please - plot wise. plus i predicted them all anyway so they weren’t totally surprising.

i have a lot of theories on how book 3 is going to play out but based on what i’ve heard from the people who have read it - it’s a make or break. let’s hope that even if im extremely mad about how it ends, i won’t want to fling the book across the world 😙✌️

also this is really not a review i’ll put up a better one later

    fantasy owned


169 reviews497 followers

November 15, 2019

No spoilers in this rapid review of Kingsbane. I liked most of the book and LOVED the ending, so I decided on 4.5 stars. I put this book down and picked it back up several times before I finished it. The crazy thing is, I was never bored. That wasn’t the problem, yet Legrand had to work hard to earn each star from me. If I had to sum Kingsbane up in one word, I would propose “overwhelming.” More about that in a bit.

Kingsbane continues the saga of Rielle and Eliana, a mother and daughter separated shortly Eliana’s after birth. They’re believed to be the prophesied queens: The Blood Queen and The Sun Queen. One of them is predicted to be full of darkness evil, and the other will be full of light and goodness. Both are able to work powerful magic, and it seems apparent at first which queen is which as their stories unfold in alternating chapters.

Furyborn, book 1, showed us the moment the pair was separated, in which Rielle sent Eliana with Simon, a trusted young boy possessing the gift of time travel. But Simon and Eliana were separated as magic hurtled them 1,000 years into the future. After many years of searching, Simon eventually found Eliana. In Kingsbane, he begins to teach her how to harness and properly wield her magic as he’s struggling to regain his time travel powers.

When we skip back in time to Rielle’s chapters in book 2, we see madness settling into her mind. She’s fighting to repair the damaged gate that once kept the angels at bay. And she’s torn between two men: Corien, the angel who speaks in her mind and promises he’s the only one who will accept the true her, and Audric, the boy she’s loved all her life who will be the next king. Audric continues to defend Rielle fiercely, despite her outbursts of power and temper and their repercussions.

Simon hopes he can eventually send a fully trained Eliana back in time to prevent the future in which they’re living. Basically, the two of them hope to change the course of history by using Simon’s time travel threads to send a powerful Eliana back to prove to Rielle that things have to change.

What’s not to love? Legrand gives us political woes and foes, angels, magic manifesting in a variety of ways, time travel, family issues, and love triangles. Oh yes, and then there are those twists at the end: two to be exact, one in each timeframe. Both broke my heart, and one of the two is absolutely crazy. The rug was pulled out from under me as I read it. (What other clichés can I use to reiterate how surprised I was?) I had to be told a couple of times in two different chapters before I accepted it.

When I glanced back through certain scenes leading up to the shock, there were some definite signs I mistook for something else. Yes, I fell for what Legrand was selling hook, line, and sinker. (Oh yay, another cliché!) 😉 And that, my friends, is how to orchestrate a fully earned, truly shocking turn of events.

My stomach plummeted during the final chapter featuring the characters affected. I honestly felt nauseous. Is there still hope this storyline can be redeemed? I’m almost positive there is. And I’m not just saying this because my favorite character is involved. During my search for justification, I found some rather compelling signs. We’ll see if I’m reading them properly and if my fav character can be redeemed in book 3. A girl can hope! 😉 (NOTE: Please don’t read my Furyborn review if you don’t want to be spoiled because I reveal my favorite character in that post.)

How did I ever manage to put this book down multiple times before finishing it? It’s a book I’m recapping, and in a book this complex, I have to stop and take notes about what I’ve read at the end of every chapter. And that’s not always fun! But I do it because it’s what our readers want. It’s not easy to stop in the middle of the action to record what I just read; it's truly a labor of love.

Recapping isn’t the only reason for my slow progress, though. Between the two different points of view so far apart in time, the story unfolds quite slowly, gradually weaving the plot on each side. Just when we reach an important point, we skip backward or forward to the other half of the tale. I guess what I’m saying is reading this series requires a little bit of work. It takes dedication, but I assure you it’s worth it!

I recommend this series to high fantasy lovers who don’t mind a complicated story, with one caveat: Even though this is marketed as young adult, this is NOT a book intended for young audiences. It should be shelved in the adult section instead. But let me rave one more time about the fact that Legrand pulled off my favorite plot twist in recent memory. The last handful chapters of this book were jaw-dropping in the best way possible. I cycled through confusion, fury, shock, and heartbreak. And that’s what we want as readers, right? We want to FEEL. Well done, Legrand. Well done.

Read all of our reviews here.
Check out our full book recaps here.

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nikki ༗

516 reviews139 followers

November 2, 2023

“You’re in bed with your lover,” he mumbled into his glass. “And I’m far away, scheming how best to ruin him.”

damn that last 5% has me stunned.
i had some suspicions,

“I don’t love you,” she whispered, the lie bitter on her tongue. “I refuse to love you.”
“I know,” he said and held her to him, stroking her hair. “I don’t love you either.”

claire legrand takes us deeper into the lore of the fallen angels, the saints, and how the future came to be in a stunning story about power and love. she mentions in her acknowledgment that she spent 14 years writing the first book and was scared for the second. i don't blame her, and the fact that she wrote it so well following up the first with so much less time is a testament to her writing.

i'm racing straight to book 3, i can't wait to see the epic conclusion of this story.

    all-time-favs booktok-recs fantasy

Raquel Flockhart

544 reviews391 followers

June 21, 2019

ARC received thanks to a trade on Instagram.

“That she was ⁠. . . the foretold Sun Queen, the daughter of the Kingsbane and the Lightbringer. The Furyborn Child. She had many names, it seemed, and she had chosen none of them for herself.”

This has been a wild ride. I wasn’t sure what to expect about Kingsbane, but I can tell you that what I wasn’t expecting was that my feelings towards the characters would completely change. Although I liked both main characters in Furyborn, I had a clear preference for Rielle and her personal journey. So imagine my surprise when I found myself hating her while loving Eliana’s storyline and character development in this second instalment.

This book picks up a few weeks after the ending of Furyborn. The two queens of this story, Rielle and Eliana, keep fighting for their destinies thousand years apart. The Blood Queen and the Sun Queen, both prophesied by angel Aryava during the First Age. We follow one of them embracing the darkness in her way to become an antagonist, while the other one starts to embrace her destiny as the saviour of the world. And although Rielle and Eliana remain the main characters of the story, we have a few chapters told through the POV of some secondary characters like Ludivine, Corien, Simon or Audric, among others.

As I said at the beginning of this review, I hated Rielle in this book. I like a good antagonist, but Rielle’s journey through Kingsbane feels more like a tantrum of a spoiled little girl. She was a really interesting character in the first book, but I couldn’t understand her selfish decisions in this one. I also firmly believe that Audric and Ludivine deserve better than her. I really enjoyed the romance between Rielle and Audric in Furyborn, but now I can’t stand her innumerable lies to him and how she returns to Corien’s arms again and again.

“We are the light against the darkness, and we must continue to burn brightly, so others may find their way out.”

The interesting part about Rielle’s storyline is how she tries to find the seven hidden castings of the Sants in order to restore the Gate, although I think the execution of that subplot was too rushed. I also enjoyed the new capitals and kingdoms we discover through her POV: Styrdalleen (Borsvall’s capital), Iastra (the largest island of the Sunderlands), Genzhar (Kirvaya’s capital) and Quelbani (Mazabat’s capital).

The true jewel of this book for me is Eliana. I absolutely loved her character development, her struggles with her power and her dynamics with Remy, Zahra, Simon, Patrik, Navi and Jessamyn. We also get to see new places through her POV: Vintervok (Astavar’s capital) and some cities in Meridian (Karlaine and Festival). I also loved her relationship with Simon and I’ll be rooting for them until the very end.

And if something makes my sapphic heart infinitely happy about this trilogy is the fact that both main characters are unapologetically bisexual. We also get to see some queer relationships through the side characters, which I loved. Another aspect I utterly loved is how Kingsbane focuses a lot on consent and how healthy and toxic relationships are portrayed and compared.

Overall, I enjoyed this sequel. The plot was interesting and I loved Eliana’s storyline, but I couldn’t stand Rielle and the decisions she makes in this instalment. I need answers about certain character and I also need to confirm if my crazy theory about the Prophet’s identity is or not true. Besides, I’m looking forward to seeing how Claire Legrand keeps playing with the concept of time travel in the third and final book because that is one of my favourite elements of this trilogy.

“So frail, and so dear. Your lives blink in and out of this world like the lights of fireflies. And I will do what I can to see that you continue to.”

P.S.: I'm not English, so if you see any mistakes let me know so I can correct them, please.

    arc fantasy lgbtqia

Christina Loeffler

147 reviews17.3k followers


October 1, 2019

Workin my way back, RTC!

steph (semi-hiatus)

200 reviews23 followers

June 16, 2023

I. AM. DEAD. HOW am I suppose to wait until next year for the conclusion after THAT?!


Joleen (starlightbooktales)

370 reviews294 followers

September 30, 2020

4.5 Stars

Claire Legrand has done it again, she has completely blown me out of the water. I feel destroyed and betrayed. Seriously, what a cliffhanger.

You know the kind of book that is both beautiful and heartbreaking? Yeah, that's how I would describe Kingsbane. It's been days since I have finished the book and I still can't get it out of my head. Claire Legrand is just ridiculously talented and cruel. I mean HOW ARE YOU GOING TO END THIS BOOK LIKE THAT!! With a cliffhanger that intense, I am 100% sure the wait for the third book is going to kill me.

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astarion's bhaal babe (wingspan matters)

876 reviews4,255 followers

February 21, 2023

The mind is fragile, and time is pitiless.

the funniest thing about these books is that, up until a week ago I had no real intention of reading them, and yet here I am now, devouring the second book in a day and slowly getting consumed by the thought of my favorite characters not getting the happiness they deserve 🥴

(RTC. maybe lol)

me excitedly jumping into kingsbane pretending I didn't just read that particular big spoiler by accident
Kingsbane (Empirium, #2) (30)


    adult-and-new-adult book-heaven high-dark-epic-fantasy


26 reviews7 followers

June 29, 2019

As a fan of Furyborn, I'm really disappointed with this sequel. Truth be told, I actually couldn't finish it, since it had devolved to a point where I could not justify wasting my time reading it when there are so many good books out there. Here are my main gripes:

1. The many irritating love triangles
This was one of the least credible parts of the book. Although the dubious love triangle between Corien, Rielle and Audric is established in the first book, this sequel complicates things further by insinuating romances between Rielle, Ludivine, Audric, Corien, and even (to some extent) Tal. In addition to this, there is the Eliana/Harkan/Simon debacle continuing in the present day. Apart from being pretty unbelievable, this amount of romantic entanglement detracts from the plot and kills the pace to the point of utter boredom.

2. The gratuitous sex scenes
I am not opposed to sex scenes, and I do not at all oppose healthy and consensual depictions of sex in books. However, the number of pointless sex scenes in this book do nothing to further the plot, and are frankly so completely unrealistic that at points they seem like the lustful outpourings of a repressed, hormone-fueled teen virgin. More troubling than this is the dubious nature of consent in some scenes, even between characters that we are supposed to consider as the protagonists of the story. If Legrand is trying to argue that Audric's virtual rape of Rielle in one scene aligns with her portrayal of him as a noble, good-hearted king, then I have a serious issue with her. Plain and simply: rape culture and promoting rape culture is NOT OK. Rape is not romantic, it is not dramatic, it is violent and monstrous . The fact that this pops up in a YA novel is even more disturbing.

3. Boring, linear plot
Since the essence of the plot line was more or less revealed by the end of the first book, I was expecting this sequel to contain unexpected twists and turns to maintain interest. However, 496 pages into the book and all I've seen is a miserably predictable, monochromatic plot that could probably have been condensed into 100 pages without losing anything significant. The main themes are Rielle's descent into darkness as she becomes the Blood Queen and, simultaneously, Eliana's development as the Sun Queen, but both are handled inexpertly with both characters seeming to flip 360 degrees without much credible development. Rielle in particular goes from being pretty likeable in the first book to a complete pain in the behind in the sequel, as if winning the trials somehow gave her a frontal lobe injury. Her simpering obsession with Corien is especially grating on the nerves.

All in all, a huge disappointment. There are plenty of amazing fantasy books out there, so my advice is to give this one a skip.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Taasia ✨

315 reviews

July 8, 2019

Excuse me?

What. Was. That. Ending.


3rd October, 2018:
How did I miss this cover reveal I'm screaming what am I doing.

Honestly, this red hurts my eyes and not in a good way? I have very mixed feelings on the cover (but am now starting to like it more and more) but I much prefer the first one? I have to admit, my expectations were ridiculously high after the beauty of Furyborn.

Also, there is an excerpt on EW. You're welcome.

July 20, 2018,
If this doesn't come out next year, I'm rioting

Also claiming this first review k PSA over


Megan ❀

502 reviews295 followers

December 10, 2020

Edit after 3rd read: Literally how did I survive reading this TWICE without having the sequel to read immediately after. This book is pure agony. I love this book desperately.

EDIT: Why did I reread this. Why did I decide to suffer again. These books are so good I CANNOT

Original Review:


I loved this with my entire soul, oh my god.

But folks, this ain't YA. There's so much sex in this book. This trilogy is new adult, for sure.

    fantasy favorites lgbtqiap-rep

Clara (The Bookworm of Notre-Dame)

454 reviews378 followers

May 28, 2019

Review to come, but oh - my - god.


Review posted on my blog!

It’s going to be really hard to write a spoiler free review of a second book in a series, but I gladly accept the challenge because this book was everything and more.

I always wanted to read Furyborn but only did so last month. I knew it had great reviews but I never thought I would ever love it as much as I did. In a few words, let’s just say that this series is now my first real favourites of 2019. It has everything I love in fantasy and now I need the third book… It’s going to be a long wait.

Though I adored Furyborn and gave it 5/5 stars, I loved Kingsbane even more (if I could I would have gave it 10/5 stars). I couldn’t stop reading it and was totally invested in the story. I loved everything about it: the story line, the characters, the writing style. It honestly was brilliant (I wish I wasn’t hyping this book that much, but here we are).

It feels weird to write a review about this book because I only have so little to say: what do you do when you loved absolutely everything and you have nothing bad to point out? It’s a great feeling to love a book that much, but not so great to write about it afterwards. #bloggerlife

Let’s just say that I fell in love. Hard. Those books are dark, yet so entertaining and fun to read. They may be big but they are so easily to fly through. The characters are unique, flawed and don’t try to please everyone. I also ended up shipping some of them really hard and I was feeling everything. I still am not over it, and that’s what is magic about Claire Legrand’s writing style: she makes you feel as if you were there. I laughed reading it and almost cried – it definitely was a roller coaster.

I know opinions are really personal and though I loved those books so much you may not end up loving them like that. But if you love stories about magic, queens, darkness and angels, then you may have found your next read.

    fantasy young-adult


316 reviews254 followers

October 9, 2020

Can’t wait for Corielle to end Ludivine and Audric in the finale

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    2019-anticipated favorite-ships favorites

⊹ ⁺ ₊ ✧ she's book obsessed ✧ ₊ ⁺ ⊹

570 reviews267 followers

November 29, 2020


This book was chefs kisses. No but honestly, I couldn’t put it down at the end! Okay okay, I might have prioritized finishing this book over doing my assignments... I knooooow but I couldn’t stop myself! Now I have tons of work to do, but it was worth it! Also, that ending... I don’t even know what to say🤭

    2020-faves own
Kingsbane (Empirium, #2) (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.